125, 4935 - 40th Ave N.W. Calgary, Alberta Canada, T3A 2N1
(403) 286-8788 1-888-789-9984 (Toll Free)(403) 286-8788 1-888-789-9984 (Toll Free)

Delivering elite and career orientated programs in acupuncture and traditional Chinese medicine, the Alberta College of Acupuncture & Traditional Chinese Medicine (ACATCM) is the leading Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine educational and research institution in Canada.

Established in 1997, as the first acupuncture and traditional Chinese medicine institution in Alberta, aimed to promote the education and development of Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) in Canada, we have been constantly promote growth and integration with other health care practices. Today, our strong alumni practicing the ancient medicine from east to west, serving the healthy communities and promoting healthy living.

At ACATCM we focus on three fronts: Professional Education, Clinical Care and Research, and Public Education.

Our success in pioneering quality programs have been providing our students with superb qualifications and confidence to become leaders in the health care profession. As the first acupuncture and TCM institution in Alberta, we have accomplished many of our objectives and our achievements have been well recognized in the profession.

  • In 2002, ACATCM and the Beijing University of Chinese Medicine (BUCM) established an exclusive joint venture relationship. Many excellent programs at BUCM which have trained thousands of high quality professionals became available in Canada.
  • 2005, ACATCM was established as the Canadian Education Centre of Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, interactive Visual Learning has became standard for all classes.
  • Spring 2010, we announced the arrival of the graduate programs.

Quality, creativity, integrity and honesty. The Alberta College of Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine intends to be the preeminent teaching and research institution in Canada, and is dedicated to empower our graduates to serve a healthier community!

Alberta College of Acupunctpure Traditional Chinese Medicine 10 years ago
Alberta College of Acupunctpure Traditional Chinese Medicine Logo 10 years ago
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